Monday, October 23, 2023

Ed Ranks... RETURNS!

Hey, it's been a while. August 2020 was the last time that this place was regularly updated, though there have been sporatic posts since then (small enough that I could count them and simply say the number, but I'm too lazy).

Anyway, because time has moved on and more years have happened, more things have also happened. And more things means more things to RANK, because I rank EVERY THING and I was legally required to do so by starting up a Blogger site called "Ed Ranks Everything."

Apparently I was also legally required to obey some set of content rules as well, and then Google ran some new stupid AI in the last few years while I was away that flagged / threw warnings / hid a number of my past posts. I figured it must have been for swearing too much. I do love swearing. But then I was reading through a couple of the flagged "inappropriate" posts and they weren't particularly loaded with f-bombs. I mean I dropped an f-bomb in the Ranking of 2020 XFL team names but I mean the names of the teams were so stupid that the swear word was totally appropriate. And compared to some other posts... I mean... I dunno. Was it a copywrite issue? Did The Rock not want me using his league logo? I was simply hotlinking public domain images from Wikipedia.  Another post where I was ranking things worse than the "Cats" movie was also flagged. That one I made a Jamal Khashoggi reference. I guess that's a fairly graphic and horrific incident - but Google can't blame me for that. Google needs to blame Saudi Arabia for that. Or is Google getting paid by Saudi Arabia? You know, it probably is.


I'm back soon and I promise I won't say anything else to offend the delicate sensitivies of either a stupid AI that just looks for word combinations to be offened by, or of any Saudi bone saw experts (apparently a key Blogger demographic). 

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