Occasionally I can be topical, so I might as well talk about this while it's still relevant. I pretty much spent all of yesterday trying to figure out every "ending" I could to Netflix's new "Choose Your Own Adventure"-inspired episode (or "event," as the poster calls it) of Black Mirror, "Bandersnatch."
Oh, and SPOILERS by the way. So stop reading if you have any interest in watching (playing?) this.
As a quick 101 for anyone who hasn't seen it, but doesn't plan to and wants to read this while knowing what I'm talking about - the episode "Bandersnatch" is about a kid named Stephan who has found an old Choose Your Own Adventure book called "Bandersnatch" and wants to turn it into a video game, also called "Bandersnatch." Thus when I refer to "Bandersnatch" here, I'm either referring to the episode itself, or to the almost Shakespearean "game-within-the-game" itself (as the episode is basically a game). It's all about making a decision - at various times in the episode, you get to choose how the story goes. Based on the decisions you make, there will be different endings. Got all that?
After I think I got all of the endings, I checked the internet to see if I did, and I lacked a few. But the internet itself can't agree on how many endings there are. Some are saying there are five "main" endings (endings that prompt a closing credits sequence, rather than just resetting you to go back and choose again). Other sources say there were ten "main" endings, or give different numbers from either of those. I think the primary difference between these numbers is that some people are interpreting multiple "kill dad" endings as the same kill dad ending. I see them as distinct, different ones.
From my count, I have found 16 endings. That might not be all of them, of course. I'm not going to make any distinction between the "reset" endings and the "main" endings. But in 7 of the 16 endings, you make Stephan kill his dad.
This episode really, really, really wants you to kill Stephan's dad. A lot.
So here are all the endings. Also, remember that free will is a lie.
16. Back off from Killing Dad
With a very limited number of exceptions where you can "end" Bandersnatch in other ways, you're probably going to get to a point where Stephan becomes aware that he's being controlled and demands to know who is doing it ("Who's There?"). The most logical choice here is to select a little glyph that looks like a decision tree (which looks a little, but not quite, like "⅄"). I say this is the most logical, what with Stephan seeing the symbol over and over again, and it symbolically representing the different paths he can take in the episode. I've read that the Black Mirror creators says there is no "correct" way to end Bandersnatch, but going down the decision tree glyph sort of feels like it's the right way to go, and leads to one of the longer and more complex paths. But no matter what happens when you select the decision tree glyph path, you're going to be asked to kill Stephan's dad. You can refuse and it starts over again. Then it wants you to do it again. You still refuse. Is there some moral lesson to be learned about willpower? No. It's just a bland reset that takes you back. There is no way you can take this path and not have Stephan kill his dad. Which is super annoying and seems like a lazy cop out.
Pretty much identical to the below "Throw Tea on Computer" option. The destruction of Stephan's computer is dumb and sends you back to a reset point. Alas, if you take a certain direction through the narrative, you will only get these two options... which will have you saying "Whhhaaaaaaaa?" if you've already done these two things and know they both send you to reset points. Fortunately, when you're given only both of these options, it's one of those false ones where Stephan is aware that you're controlling him and holds himself back. Still, the "Throw Tea" option presents itself sooner in the narrative than this one, which means the "Destroy Computer" option is sort of a bland rehash.
13. Throw Tea on Computer
This options obviously destroys all of Stephan's work and is clearly another one of the "soft" / reset endings. Immediately after you do this, the episode is like "Okay, well that was stupid. How about we go back and try again?" Yep, that sounds about right. For reasons explained above, this one narrowly edges out "Destroy Computer."
I saw this option initially and went another way. Then when I saw how those options went, I tried to go back and do this one but found that I couldn't. The "Take Drug" option didn't pop up at all. All I could do from the reset point now was throw it in the garbage or flush it down the toilet. After reading the internet, I leaned that this only pops up as an option if you haven't had Colin jump. So... there you go. If you want to go this way, don't make Colin jump. This one was a bit hard to find for me.
11. Who's There? P.A.C.S. Kill Dad. Dial 20541.
This one is part two to #15 above. By the time you get to this ending (it's dependent on both talking about your mom to the psychologist and selecting to grab the book instead of the family photo), chances are that the episode has asked you to kill Stephan's dad about 4 times already. It really, really, really wants you to kill Stephan's dad. I'm not kidding about this. Well, if you go through with the P.A.C.S story, you don't even have a choice anymore and Stephan kills his dad no matter what. Which makes sense at this point, because this ending is DARK. Super, super, super dark. In the two P.A.C.S endings, you learn that your mom isn't actually your mom and that your dad and the psychologist are evil people who have been essentially torturing you for your entire life in a study which must be all sorts of illegal. THIS IS REALLY MESSED UP. I should like this ending more though. I was honestly looking for a "happy ending" to this whole thing, but this is the exact opposite - which is sort of cool. However this ending, where you actually type in the correct 2-0-5-4-1 code and call Stephan's psychologist, is BARELY better than the other P.A.C.S ending because you get the little scene where Stephan threatens the receptionist on the phone (who then presumably calls the police on him after he just killed his dad... smooth movie, idiot). But other than that, it's identical to just totally messing up the number. The game gets the same 2.5 Stars rating that it did before, and Stephan still winds up in prison. The fact that getting the code right doesn't really do much takes the wind out of this ending. Unless I'm missing something here. Still though. 2.5 Stars? That's pretty nice for a debut game! Good work! I'm sure when Stephan gets around to making his next game in 18-20 years (when he gets out of prison) it will be even better!
10. Kill Dad. Bury Body. Kitty Visits.
As explained in #16 above, I personally believe the most likely path people will take in Bandersnatch is to get to the point where Stephan realizes that someone is controlling him, asks "Who's There?" and you select the decision tree glyph (⅄, or technically that image to the right). Since not killing the dad is a dead end, you're going to have to kill him. Chopping up his body is TOTALLY the way to go (see #3), but burying the body can lead to four separate endings, all of which lead to you going to jail, Bandersnatch never being released, and (I believe in all four), Tukersoft going out of business. The most likely way this is going to go is that Kitty comes to visit Stephan, looking for Colin (the only way to not get this is for you to have never followed Colin, because if you follow Colin he will have to jump because Stephan jumping forces a reset). This is also the weakest of the four (nearly identical) "bury body" endings because Kitty not remembering Stephan still doesn't make any sense to me. I was trying to read explanations on the internet, and some people are saying it makes sense because Stephan only met her in a timeline that didn't happen now from resetting the episode. But you can still have her NOT remember Stephan even without any resets between Colin jumping and Stephan burying his dad. By definition, Kitty ONLY comes if you do a timeline where Colin jumps, and Kitty meets Stephan whenever Colin jumps. That means no matter what timeline you're in, if Kitty is showing up to the door then she's met Stephan before. I will debate this with you until the end. This ending makes no sense.
9. Make Stephan Jump off the Balcony and Die
If you make Stephan follow Colin, you're either going to have to make Stephan commit suicide, or make Colin commit suicide. The taking his drugs thing has no influence on the outcome and is a fake decision (although it's still cool to go through this multiple times and do it both ways for Colin's "I chose for you" line). Well, guess what, moron. If you have Stephan--the protagonist of the whole thing--jump off the balcony and die... it ends. NO SHIT. Bandersnatch is published posthumously but is terrible, as whoever at Tuckersoft put the final touches on it just did a rush job. The fault in this ending is that it's SUPER OBVIOUS that it will end everything. It's still a bit fun to do though. Dark? Yeah, all the endings sort of are.
8. Type "Toy" in Dad's Safe. Leave with Mom. Die as a Child
WHAT THE FUCK?! No. Seriously. What the fuck? I mean obviously the basic gist of what happens with his one was always going to be an option in the episode. All that stuff about Stephan feeling guilt for the death of his mom, how the psychiatrist tells him that he can't go back and change the past but Colin tells him that he can and that we can time travel through mirrors, and the stuff with the dad and the bunny... it was OBVIOUSLY leading to a situation where Stephan could go back and change the way things went down with mommy getting on the train. So I kept trying to find the path to get to something like this one. The prerequisites to this one are you have to "Talk About Mom" and "Pick Up Book" instead of the Family Photo (which are the same prerequisites for the two P.A.C.S endings). After I finally found the way to get to this option I was PSYCHED! I kept looking for the "Happy Ending" in Bandersnatch where you get to save mommy. Well, if there is one nobody has found it. Because I think you can't. You don't actually save mommy. Ever. Stephan just joins her on the train in the past and dies there too as a kid. Because she was going to miss the train no matter what and Stephan blaming himself, for his entire life, for making her late was actually wrong because she was always going to be late. Oh, and then Stephan also simultaneously dies in the present on the psychiatrist's chair. Huh?
7. Accept to Work at Tuckersoft
Chances are that everyone who watched Bandersnatch gets this as their first ending. Who is going to actually say "no" to this option? Stephan is a kid who wants to work for this video game company. He show up. They offer him a job. Of course you say "yes!" And that ends the narrative with the result that having a team work on the game made it a terrible, terrible mess and it can only be successful if Stephan says no and works on it alone. It's sort of a strange, but I see what the designers were going for this one. It's good that the episode has one early ending with an option that almost everyone will pick to teach you how the whole "multiple realities" thing works. In fact, the creators of this show are SO SURE that you will accept this option, that even if you never do... in the "episode catch-up" clips it will show you later in the episode when you reset, it automatically shows the scene where Colin says he's met you before, which can only happen if you selected this option at least once. It still shows that Colin "we've met before" scene, even if you never selected this option.
6. Kill Dad. Bury Body. Thakur Visits.
5. Kill Dad. Bury Body. Colin Visits. You Kill Him.
Let's say you've gone through Bandersnatch and never made the decision to have Stephan follow Colin. Well, that's good for Colin because it means he never jumps and therefore still gets to be alive. Well, for a moment anyway. Although I did have Stephan did visit Colin, Colin jumped, and somehow I wound up with this ending as a possibility too. I was confused by how Colin suddenly was alive again after having just seen a scene earlier when he was "missing." I don't exactly remember what sequence I took to get him back, but my guess is that I did a different ending and then did a "reset" that took Stephan to a point before he decided to follow Colin, and thus he un-visited him. At any rate, Colin will visit you and see your dad's body. You can either have Stephan kill Colin (this option) or spare him. I'll rank this one lower because it's OF COURSE worse to murder two people than it is to murder one person.
Exactly the same as above, except Stephan decides to spare Colin. It's sort of unsatisfying that letting Colin go versus killing Colin makes almost no difference at all - you're still arrested, Bandersnatch still goes unpublished, and Tuckersoft still goes out of business because it was relying on Stephan for this awesome Christmas release that never came. Still, it seems sort of cool that you let Colin live. He doesn't seem like the type of guy that would snitch on Stephan anyway. I mean he's the type of guy who will do drugs with Stephan and tell him that there are multiple dimensions and realities, so it doesn't really matter what he does in this reality. Any why have Stephan kill his hero? It would have been more satisfying if letting Colin go led to a better result where maybe you got away with it. But it doesn't. I guess teaching you that killing is wrong is a good thing.
3. Kill Dad. Chop Up Body.
Okay, once you select that ⅄ glyph and have Stephan kill his pops, you should definitely go for chopping up the body instead of burying it. For one, it's a lot funnier and sicker option (Stephan's reaction is pretty funny), and also after repeated watchings it's obvious with that neighbor's dog digging up the garden all the time that burying dad is gonna be a bad idea. As I've already alluded to before, I was really looking for the "Happy Ending" to the episode. What does that mean exactly? Well, I wasn't sure, but I was looking for something along the lines of:
2. Who's There? Netflix. Leap Through Window. Mike?
Once Stephan becomes aware that someone from the 21st Century is using something called "Netflix" to control him for entertainment purposes (awesome!), Stephan's psychologist tells him that he's obviously delusional because wouldn't someone using Stephan for entertainment want something more... entertaining? It's a hilarious "meta" moment and a good comedy-path to end the episode with, as opposed to the many, many, many, many dark endings that involve death. Well, when she asks Stephan if he wants to see something more entertaining, he only has the "Yeah" and "FUCK YEAH!" options (I tried both and don't think there is a difference, although I might be missing something). Then Stephan throws some hot tea in her face and she turns into a kickass ninja that starts fighting him. Then you'll get an option for Stephan to fight her or to jump out of the window. I assume you'll want to fight her first, which is what I did. It's great, but leads to a reset. Try again and jump out the window. It's also fantastic and leads to a fourth-wall-breaking scene where you realize that Stephan is actually just an actor named "Mike" in a production who has gone completely fucking insane and believes he's Stephan. It's funny, but I think it would have been even better if it was "Fionn?" instead of "Mike?" (the actual actor's name). Great comedy ending.
This one is
GREAT. I love this one, although it was a hard call between #1 and #2. Technically it's one of the "soft" endings where
you have to reset afterwards and pick a different ending, but it's a
quite enjoyable one. No need to repeat too much of this one, as it
largely follows the same as the "Jump Out Window" option explained
above. Before you select to jump out of the window and see that
(also funny) "main" ending, you're going to want to go through with
this one and kick Stephan's dad in the balls at least once. Because if you want to keep fighting the psychiatrist, eventually the dad joins the battle too and it's like a martial arts fighting epic. I know, I know, how can I rank a soft reset joke ending as #1? Dude, I JUST EXPLAINED IT. YOU CAN KICK STEPHAN'S DAD IN THE BALLS! Joke endings are the best. Even if they're not real endings.
Oh, and SPOILERS by the way. So stop reading if you have any interest in watching (playing?) this.
As a quick 101 for anyone who hasn't seen it, but doesn't plan to and wants to read this while knowing what I'm talking about - the episode "Bandersnatch" is about a kid named Stephan who has found an old Choose Your Own Adventure book called "Bandersnatch" and wants to turn it into a video game, also called "Bandersnatch." Thus when I refer to "Bandersnatch" here, I'm either referring to the episode itself, or to the almost Shakespearean "game-within-the-game" itself (as the episode is basically a game). It's all about making a decision - at various times in the episode, you get to choose how the story goes. Based on the decisions you make, there will be different endings. Got all that?
After I think I got all of the endings, I checked the internet to see if I did, and I lacked a few. But the internet itself can't agree on how many endings there are. Some are saying there are five "main" endings (endings that prompt a closing credits sequence, rather than just resetting you to go back and choose again). Other sources say there were ten "main" endings, or give different numbers from either of those. I think the primary difference between these numbers is that some people are interpreting multiple "kill dad" endings as the same kill dad ending. I see them as distinct, different ones.
From my count, I have found 16 endings. That might not be all of them, of course. I'm not going to make any distinction between the "reset" endings and the "main" endings. But in 7 of the 16 endings, you make Stephan kill his dad.
This episode really, really, really wants you to kill Stephan's dad. A lot.
So here are all the endings. Also, remember that free will is a lie.
16. Back off from Killing Dad
With a very limited number of exceptions where you can "end" Bandersnatch in other ways, you're probably going to get to a point where Stephan becomes aware that he's being controlled and demands to know who is doing it ("Who's There?"). The most logical choice here is to select a little glyph that looks like a decision tree (which looks a little, but not quite, like "⅄"). I say this is the most logical, what with Stephan seeing the symbol over and over again, and it symbolically representing the different paths he can take in the episode. I've read that the Black Mirror creators says there is no "correct" way to end Bandersnatch, but going down the decision tree glyph sort of feels like it's the right way to go, and leads to one of the longer and more complex paths. But no matter what happens when you select the decision tree glyph path, you're going to be asked to kill Stephan's dad. You can refuse and it starts over again. Then it wants you to do it again. You still refuse. Is there some moral lesson to be learned about willpower? No. It's just a bland reset that takes you back. There is no way you can take this path and not have Stephan kill his dad. Which is super annoying and seems like a lazy cop out.
- Is Bandersnatch Published? N/A. Reset ending.
- What is its rating? N/A. Reset ending.
15. Who's There? P.A.C.S. Kill Dad. Dial Wrong Number.
Okay, this one annoys me. You're given a code to type in. Let's say you type it in wrong because you're not paying attention or simply don't have enough time with your clunky remote. What's the difference between typing in the right code and the wrong code? Almost absolutely nothing. You still murder your dad, get caught, and go to jail. Why bother having this code thing at all if there is practically no difference between the two endings on if you type it in right or wrong (except for a little scene with a phone call)? The other version of this is ranked and explained a little bit below, and honestly I could have placed that version here at this low ranking instead of this one. It sort of doesn't matter which version I rank here. This is just a bit of a protest for the code meaning essentially jack shit.
Okay, this one annoys me. You're given a code to type in. Let's say you type it in wrong because you're not paying attention or simply don't have enough time with your clunky remote. What's the difference between typing in the right code and the wrong code? Almost absolutely nothing. You still murder your dad, get caught, and go to jail. Why bother having this code thing at all if there is practically no difference between the two endings on if you type it in right or wrong (except for a little scene with a phone call)? The other version of this is ranked and explained a little bit below, and honestly I could have placed that version here at this low ranking instead of this one. It sort of doesn't matter which version I rank here. This is just a bit of a protest for the code meaning essentially jack shit.
- Is Bandersnatch Published? Yes, you filthy, imprisoned dad murderer.
- What is its rating? 2.5
Pretty much identical to the below "Throw Tea on Computer" option. The destruction of Stephan's computer is dumb and sends you back to a reset point. Alas, if you take a certain direction through the narrative, you will only get these two options... which will have you saying "Whhhaaaaaaaa?" if you've already done these two things and know they both send you to reset points. Fortunately, when you're given only both of these options, it's one of those false ones where Stephan is aware that you're controlling him and holds himself back. Still, the "Throw Tea" option presents itself sooner in the narrative than this one, which means the "Destroy Computer" option is sort of a bland rehash.
- Is Bandersnatch Published? N/A. Reset ending.
- What is its rating? N/A. Reset ending.
13. Throw Tea on Computer
This options obviously destroys all of Stephan's work and is clearly another one of the "soft" / reset endings. Immediately after you do this, the episode is like "Okay, well that was stupid. How about we go back and try again?" Yep, that sounds about right. For reasons explained above, this one narrowly edges out "Destroy Computer."
- Is Bandersnatch Published? N/A. Reset ending.
- What is its rating? N/A. Reset ending.
I saw this option initially and went another way. Then when I saw how those options went, I tried to go back and do this one but found that I couldn't. The "Take Drug" option didn't pop up at all. All I could do from the reset point now was throw it in the garbage or flush it down the toilet. After reading the internet, I leaned that this only pops up as an option if you haven't had Colin jump. So... there you go. If you want to go this way, don't make Colin jump. This one was a bit hard to find for me.
- Is Bandersnatch Published? Yes! But it's fucking terrible because the medicine, like, stinted your creativity or something.
- What is its rating? 0/5
11. Who's There? P.A.C.S. Kill Dad. Dial 20541.
This one is part two to #15 above. By the time you get to this ending (it's dependent on both talking about your mom to the psychologist and selecting to grab the book instead of the family photo), chances are that the episode has asked you to kill Stephan's dad about 4 times already. It really, really, really wants you to kill Stephan's dad. I'm not kidding about this. Well, if you go through with the P.A.C.S story, you don't even have a choice anymore and Stephan kills his dad no matter what. Which makes sense at this point, because this ending is DARK. Super, super, super dark. In the two P.A.C.S endings, you learn that your mom isn't actually your mom and that your dad and the psychologist are evil people who have been essentially torturing you for your entire life in a study which must be all sorts of illegal. THIS IS REALLY MESSED UP. I should like this ending more though. I was honestly looking for a "happy ending" to this whole thing, but this is the exact opposite - which is sort of cool. However this ending, where you actually type in the correct 2-0-5-4-1 code and call Stephan's psychologist, is BARELY better than the other P.A.C.S ending because you get the little scene where Stephan threatens the receptionist on the phone (who then presumably calls the police on him after he just killed his dad... smooth movie, idiot). But other than that, it's identical to just totally messing up the number. The game gets the same 2.5 Stars rating that it did before, and Stephan still winds up in prison. The fact that getting the code right doesn't really do much takes the wind out of this ending. Unless I'm missing something here. Still though. 2.5 Stars? That's pretty nice for a debut game! Good work! I'm sure when Stephan gets around to making his next game in 18-20 years (when he gets out of prison) it will be even better!
- Is Bandersnatch Published? Yes, and it gets an average review, which is pretty good. Although you're still in prison for killing dad.
- What is its rating? 2.5/5
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Is this a Space Invaders tank? |
As explained in #16 above, I personally believe the most likely path people will take in Bandersnatch is to get to the point where Stephan realizes that someone is controlling him, asks "Who's There?" and you select the decision tree glyph (⅄, or technically that image to the right). Since not killing the dad is a dead end, you're going to have to kill him. Chopping up his body is TOTALLY the way to go (see #3), but burying the body can lead to four separate endings, all of which lead to you going to jail, Bandersnatch never being released, and (I believe in all four), Tukersoft going out of business. The most likely way this is going to go is that Kitty comes to visit Stephan, looking for Colin (the only way to not get this is for you to have never followed Colin, because if you follow Colin he will have to jump because Stephan jumping forces a reset). This is also the weakest of the four (nearly identical) "bury body" endings because Kitty not remembering Stephan still doesn't make any sense to me. I was trying to read explanations on the internet, and some people are saying it makes sense because Stephan only met her in a timeline that didn't happen now from resetting the episode. But you can still have her NOT remember Stephan even without any resets between Colin jumping and Stephan burying his dad. By definition, Kitty ONLY comes if you do a timeline where Colin jumps, and Kitty meets Stephan whenever Colin jumps. That means no matter what timeline you're in, if Kitty is showing up to the door then she's met Stephan before. I will debate this with you until the end. This ending makes no sense.
- Is Bandersnatch Published? No, and you go to jail. You always go to jail for murdering your dad, you sadistic dad killer. If there is a single lesson to be learned from this whole thing and the seven options you have that wind up with killing the dad, it's that you will go to jail EVERY TIME.
- What is its rating? N/A
9. Make Stephan Jump off the Balcony and Die
If you make Stephan follow Colin, you're either going to have to make Stephan commit suicide, or make Colin commit suicide. The taking his drugs thing has no influence on the outcome and is a fake decision (although it's still cool to go through this multiple times and do it both ways for Colin's "I chose for you" line). Well, guess what, moron. If you have Stephan--the protagonist of the whole thing--jump off the balcony and die... it ends. NO SHIT. Bandersnatch is published posthumously but is terrible, as whoever at Tuckersoft put the final touches on it just did a rush job. The fault in this ending is that it's SUPER OBVIOUS that it will end everything. It's still a bit fun to do though. Dark? Yeah, all the endings sort of are.
- Is Bandersnatch Published? Yes. But it's, disturbing, dark, and fucking weird. The video game reviewer doesn't actually drop the F-Bomb like I did, but you know he wants to.
- What is its rating? No rating is given, probably due to the unfinished nature of the game.
8. Type "Toy" in Dad's Safe. Leave with Mom. Die as a Child
WHAT THE FUCK?! No. Seriously. What the fuck? I mean obviously the basic gist of what happens with his one was always going to be an option in the episode. All that stuff about Stephan feeling guilt for the death of his mom, how the psychiatrist tells him that he can't go back and change the past but Colin tells him that he can and that we can time travel through mirrors, and the stuff with the dad and the bunny... it was OBVIOUSLY leading to a situation where Stephan could go back and change the way things went down with mommy getting on the train. So I kept trying to find the path to get to something like this one. The prerequisites to this one are you have to "Talk About Mom" and "Pick Up Book" instead of the Family Photo (which are the same prerequisites for the two P.A.C.S endings). After I finally found the way to get to this option I was PSYCHED! I kept looking for the "Happy Ending" in Bandersnatch where you get to save mommy. Well, if there is one nobody has found it. Because I think you can't. You don't actually save mommy. Ever. Stephan just joins her on the train in the past and dies there too as a kid. Because she was going to miss the train no matter what and Stephan blaming himself, for his entire life, for making her late was actually wrong because she was always going to be late. Oh, and then Stephan also simultaneously dies in the present on the psychiatrist's chair. Huh?
- Is Bandersnatch Published? Uhh... I repeat, what the fuck? I guess not. Maybe there never was a Bandersnatch being made if you died in the past as a child. But you're also shown dying in the present, with the game unfinished. Technically I guess they could release an uncompleted game like in the balcony jumping ending, but it's never said one way or another.
- What is its rating? N/A
![]() |
Hey look! Tuckersoft HQ! |
Chances are that everyone who watched Bandersnatch gets this as their first ending. Who is going to actually say "no" to this option? Stephan is a kid who wants to work for this video game company. He show up. They offer him a job. Of course you say "yes!" And that ends the narrative with the result that having a team work on the game made it a terrible, terrible mess and it can only be successful if Stephan says no and works on it alone. It's sort of a strange, but I see what the designers were going for this one. It's good that the episode has one early ending with an option that almost everyone will pick to teach you how the whole "multiple realities" thing works. In fact, the creators of this show are SO SURE that you will accept this option, that even if you never do... in the "episode catch-up" clips it will show you later in the episode when you reset, it automatically shows the scene where Colin says he's met you before, which can only happen if you selected this option at least once. It still shows that Colin "we've met before" scene, even if you never selected this option.
- Is Bandersnatch Published? Yes, but it's terrible.
- What is its rating? 0/5 Stars
6. Kill Dad. Bury Body. Thakur Visits.
These next three are all nearly identical, and are also nearly identical to #10. As stated there, they all involve choosing the ⅄ glyph and selecting to bury dad's body. After killing his dad, Stephan will get a call from Thakur asking if the game will be ready today. If you select, "No," Thakur will come and visit you and see what's up. It ends up exactly the same as the other ones though - you go to jail and Bandersnatch is never released.
- Is Bandersnatch Published? Nope. Enjoy prison sex!
- What is its rating? N/A
5. Kill Dad. Bury Body. Colin Visits. You Kill Him.
Let's say you've gone through Bandersnatch and never made the decision to have Stephan follow Colin. Well, that's good for Colin because it means he never jumps and therefore still gets to be alive. Well, for a moment anyway. Although I did have Stephan did visit Colin, Colin jumped, and somehow I wound up with this ending as a possibility too. I was confused by how Colin suddenly was alive again after having just seen a scene earlier when he was "missing." I don't exactly remember what sequence I took to get him back, but my guess is that I did a different ending and then did a "reset" that took Stephan to a point before he decided to follow Colin, and thus he un-visited him. At any rate, Colin will visit you and see your dad's body. You can either have Stephan kill Colin (this option) or spare him. I'll rank this one lower because it's OF COURSE worse to murder two people than it is to murder one person.
- Is Bandersnatch Published? No. And now you're a horrible DOUBLE MURDERER. And you murdered your hero, you sicko. Now you're basically that dipshit who killed Selena.
- What is its rating? N/A
Exactly the same as above, except Stephan decides to spare Colin. It's sort of unsatisfying that letting Colin go versus killing Colin makes almost no difference at all - you're still arrested, Bandersnatch still goes unpublished, and Tuckersoft still goes out of business because it was relying on Stephan for this awesome Christmas release that never came. Still, it seems sort of cool that you let Colin live. He doesn't seem like the type of guy that would snitch on Stephan anyway. I mean he's the type of guy who will do drugs with Stephan and tell him that there are multiple dimensions and realities, so it doesn't really matter what he does in this reality. Any why have Stephan kill his hero? It would have been more satisfying if letting Colin go led to a better result where maybe you got away with it. But it doesn't. I guess teaching you that killing is wrong is a good thing.
- Is Bandersnatch Published? No, again. Just like above. Prison. Failure.
- What is its rating? N/A
3. Kill Dad. Chop Up Body.
Okay, once you select that ⅄ glyph and have Stephan kill his pops, you should definitely go for chopping up the body instead of burying it. For one, it's a lot funnier and sicker option (Stephan's reaction is pretty funny), and also after repeated watchings it's obvious with that neighbor's dog digging up the garden all the time that burying dad is gonna be a bad idea. As I've already alluded to before, I was really looking for the "Happy Ending" to the episode. What does that mean exactly? Well, I wasn't sure, but I was looking for something along the lines of:
- The Bandersnatch game is a successful hit; or
- Okay, maybe the game gets mixed reviews or fails, but Stephan is happy/doesn't kill anyone/doesn't go to jail.
- Is Bandersnatch Published? HELL YEAH! AND IT'S A FANTASTIC GAME!
- What is its rating? 5/5. WOOOO!!!!!!!!!
2. Who's There? Netflix. Leap Through Window. Mike?
Once Stephan becomes aware that someone from the 21st Century is using something called "Netflix" to control him for entertainment purposes (awesome!), Stephan's psychologist tells him that he's obviously delusional because wouldn't someone using Stephan for entertainment want something more... entertaining? It's a hilarious "meta" moment and a good comedy-path to end the episode with, as opposed to the many, many, many, many dark endings that involve death. Well, when she asks Stephan if he wants to see something more entertaining, he only has the "Yeah" and "FUCK YEAH!" options (I tried both and don't think there is a difference, although I might be missing something). Then Stephan throws some hot tea in her face and she turns into a kickass ninja that starts fighting him. Then you'll get an option for Stephan to fight her or to jump out of the window. I assume you'll want to fight her first, which is what I did. It's great, but leads to a reset. Try again and jump out the window. It's also fantastic and leads to a fourth-wall-breaking scene where you realize that Stephan is actually just an actor named "Mike" in a production who has gone completely fucking insane and believes he's Stephan. It's funny, but I think it would have been even better if it was "Fionn?" instead of "Mike?" (the actual actor's name). Great comedy ending.
- Is Bandersnatch Published? No. Bandersnatch never existed. It is not the 1980's, it's the 21st Century and Mike the actor has gone nutso.
- What is its rating? N/A

- Is Bandersnatch Published? N/A. Reset ending.
- What is its rating? N/A. Reset ending.
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