Friday, March 29, 2019

Ed Ranks Starburst (Original) Flavors

Honestly, the real flavors are pink, yellow, red, and orange.
These are the flavors of Starburst, ranked. By that I mean the flavors you'll get in an "Original" Starburst package. So I won't talk about anything like the flavors in the "Tropical," "Sour," "FaveReds," "Very Berry," or "Superfruit" packs.

5. Lime - Lime used to appear in Starburst Original, but was discontinued and replaced with Cherry. For obvious reasons. If you're only going to have four flavors in your packet, you don't need both a lemon and a lime. They're sort of the same thing.

4. Strawberry - Does strawberry candy ever taste anything remotely close to actual strawberries? I don't think so. The only candy flavor which is more consistently terrible and artificial-tasting as strawberry is banana. If you get the Starburst "Tropical" packets, you have to deal with the combo "Strawberry Banana," which is surprisingly a case where two wrongs actually sort of make a right because the two fake flavors sort of work together. But I'm not talking about Tropical. I'm talking about Original.

3. Lemon - Hey, Lemon Starbursts taste just fine. But they're not as good as #1 or #2.

2. Orange - Better than Lemon because oranges are simply a better and more delicious citrus fruit than lemons.

1. Cherry - Obviously. Anyone who doesn't think Cherry is the best flavor is a mad person who should be put in a straitjacket and thrown in a room with a padded wall.

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