Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Ed Ranks the 5 W's (and one H)

The answer to all of the questions
to the left is "Kate Beckinsale."
6. What?

This one is ranked the lowest because stupid people chanting it constantly in WWE crowds, well over 15 years after it stopped being funny. 

5. How? 

You're not even a W. You're an H. You don't belong here. Go back to the other side of the tracks.

4. When?

I mean, eventually. Let's deal with more important issues first though.

3. Where?

Does the location really matter that much? Let's just get shit done. 

2. Who?

Is there an owl in here?

1. Why?

Since the premise of these rankings is for them to be "meaningless, irrational, arbitrary listicles to fill your existential void," I suppose the real answer to "Why?" is that there is no actual reason.

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