Monday, January 4, 2021

Ed Ranks the Worst 2020 Shit that had Nothing to Do with COVID-19

Technically Australia, but symbolically the entire world.
Hey, remember this blog? Yeah. I stopped updating it a while ago. But don't worry... I didn't die of COVID! I just got super lazy! But now I'm back, and maybe I'll post more often than once every four months.

Oh, and speaking of COVID -- or NOT speaking of COVID -- 2020 was a shithole of a year. Now that it's 2021, let's look back on the top 8 things that happened in 2020 that were ALSO complete shit, and had nothing to do with the biggest piece of shit of 2020. 

8. Megxit

I mean, this one wasn't that bad unless you're the type of person who really gets emotional about drama related to the British Royal Family. Which appears to be most people, based on the ratings of The Crown. But whatever, this wasn't that bad. That hot mixed chick from Suits didn't divorce Prince Harry, but she and Prince Harry divorced their family. Whatever. Last place. Not that terrible. Life will go on. The concept of monarchy and royal families is pretty much on the way out anyway and it's time to put the nails in the coffin.

7. Beirut Blew Up 

Remember that? Yeah. A substantial part of a city blew up because a large number of government bureaucrats disregarded repeated warnings from officials that maybe having a shitload of Ammonium Nitrated from seized Russian cargo vessel sitting around in a warehouse in the Middle East was perhaps a bad idea. But then again... who had ever heard of Ammonium Nitrate ever blowing up before other than people who paid attention to EVERY SINGLE STORY ABOUT IEDs FOR THE LAST THREE DECADES?

6. World War III... Almost

Remember how the United States and Iran almost started a World War in January? Ah, those were such simpler times! 

5. All the Koalas were on Fire

Yeah, this one was pretty terrible too.

4. RBG, Chadwick Bosman, Alex Trebek, Eddie Van Halen, Sean Connery, Kobe, Terry Jones, Little Richard, Ian Holm, Dianna Rigg, That Guy who Played "Squiggy" on Laverne and Shirley, My Cat Squiggy, etc. etc. etc.

James Bond, Pussy Galore, and Tracy Bond...
all the same year? Fuck.
Look, everyone who was ever born will also one day die. Everyone dies. So people, including famous people, dying... is inevitable. And despite all the people who died of COVID, a lot of big names also died in 2020 of things that had nothing to do with COVID. Still, even ignoring COVID, it seems like 2020's death toll was especially more gruesome than other years. Fucking hell man. That "in memorium" thing they run during awards shows would probably last 2 1/2 hours itself if they named everyone. 

3. POTUS Not Kicked Out of Office

For only the third time in US history, the President of the United States was impeached. Alas, also for the third time in history the impeachment failed and POTUS wasn't kicked out of office. Lame. Still, he lost the election eventually anyway, so fuck that guy and I hope he dies in prison.

2. Murder Hornets

Murder Hornets. Need I say more? 

1. Cops Keep Murdering Black People for No Fucking Reason

Although technically this could also be on the "worst shit that happened" lists for 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016... etc. to whenever the concept of police forces was invented.  

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