Crosses. You see them all the time in heraldry. Which is…
I think… the study of people named Harold? Pretty sure.
Let’s have a fun visual ranking like the good old days
when I just ranked photos of Zendaya! This seems a lot easier to do than all that hard research into Japanese shoguns like last week.
16. Cross Hummetty (aka Couped, Alaisée, Greek)
Review: BORING. Basic bitch cross. Plus sign. Snoooooore.
15. Avellane Cross
Review: Eww. What is this? Gross and wierd.
14. Cross Gamma
Review: No thanks, the Nazis basically ruined any shape close to this.
13. Cross Barby
Review: No way is it still a cross with arrows. These are directions.
12. Cross Fourchy
Review: Nobody asked for a cross with split ends.
11. Cross Potent
Review: More like four T's having a circle jerk.
10. Cross Moline
Review: ANOTHER cross with split ends? Why?
9. Cross Cercelée
Review: Way too many crosses that look like this, but at least this one has some slight style.
8. Cross Pattée
Review: Another cross that could rank higher, but got ruined by the damned Germans.
7. Cross Patoncé
Review: Oh. This is sort of cool. Are these like leaves or something? I dig it.
6. Order of Christ Cross
Review: Would have been boring but it's red. COOL. RED!
5. Cross Crosslet
Review: Whoa. Inception. A bunch of crosses in a cross. Mind blown.
4. Cross Fleury
Review: A cross with four fleurs-de-lys shapes at the ends? Cool beans.
3. Cross Bottony
Review: Clover / club cross thing. Niiiiiice.
2. Cross Erminée
Review: Hello? This is the Cool Cross Times. We'd like to set up an interview with Cross Erminée and ask it how it got so much swagger.
1. Maltese Cross
Review: Maltese Cross is best cross. Obviously. Look how awesome this thing looks. It will cut you if you try to mess with it.
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